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Welcome! Everything you need to know about important issues and how to get registered and vote in one easy place.

Voting Resource Center


Registration & Voting Deadlines

Register by Mail



Register Online



Request a Mail-In/Absentee Ballot



Early In-Person Voting



Mail-In/Absentee Ballot Due



Election Day​​

October 21st​



11:59 pm, October 21st



5 pm, October 21st



October 16th-November 4th



8 pm, November 5th

5pm, October 21st​



Not Available



5 pm, N​ovember 4th​



September 20th-November 4th



7 pm, November 5th

Register by Mail



Register Online



Request a Mail-In/Absentee Ballot



Early In-Person Voting



Mail-In/Absentee Ballot Due



Election Day​​

October 18th​​



11:59 pm, October 18th



6 pm, October 25th​



October 10th-November 4th



Poll close, November 5th

Register by Mail



Register Online



Request a Mail-In/Absentee Ballot



Early In-Person Voting



Mail-In/Absentee Ballot Due



Election Day​​




Not sure what you need to register?

Federally, you need:

  • To be a U.S. Citizen

  • To be 18+ years old on voting day*

  • To be a Resident of the state you are voting in, with an address

  • An ID, Driver's License, and/or a Social Security Number**

  • Not be currently incarcerated




You can register online, by mail, or in person while you vote. To register in person, be sure to bring someone who is registered in your zip code to verify you live there or mail with your address on it. Here are the links for registering in each state.

*Some states have pre-registration for 17 year old's who will be of voting age, see voting options below.

**All states require you bring your ID with you when you vote. 


South Dakota does not have Pre-Registration

South Dakota does not have online registrations.

To register by mail, you'll need a Registration Form (pdf)


If you are 17 and will be 18 by voting day, you can register.​

To register by mail, you'll need a Registration Form (pdf)

Ways to Vote

South Dakota and Nebraska are states that don't require excuses to mail-in. To mail in vote:

  1. Be registered to vote

  2. Print and fill out an Absentee or Early Voting application. 

  3. Send your application to your County Auditor's office by mail, Nebraska also allows fax and email.

  4. You'll receive your ballot in the mail within 2 weeks. Fill it out.

  5. To return your ballot, mail it back to your County Auditor's office. Iowa allows you to drop it off in person at the County Auditor's office until polls close on election day. Nebraska has designated drop off boxes.

Links for Applications:

Auditor's Office look up:

BIPOC the Vote in Iowa
Our BIPOC GOTV video received more than 500k views!

Want to know who's on your ballot?

Vote 411 is a project by The League of Women Voters with information about every race that will be on YOUR ballot, with debate times, registration deadlines and much more.

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